October 2019

Name of product:  Velux roof window

Product details

The products affected were produced and sold between 1997 and 2003 with pane code 00UE in pane widths:

C width – pane width 39 cm or less
F width – pane width 48 cm
M width – pane width 61 cm


Hazard: Potential Risk of injury

Risk of spontaneous glass breakage posing risk of injury. This presents a risk of injury to anyone underneath or close to the window at the time of breakage. Cold temperature is a known factor in increasing the risk of breakage.


Customer Action

Check if you have any affected products by checking the pane width and pane code of your Velux roof windows.

PLEASE CONTACT VELUX IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE ANY AFFECTED PRODUCTS. We will arrange an appointment to visit and replace the affected pane(s) free of charge at your convenience, using a new Velux pane with laminated inner and toughened outer sheets of glass.

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